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Danny Pool
Leak Detection!

Houston's Leading Pool Leak Detection Service!

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Danny's Pool Leak Detection Services

houston pool leak repair

Danny's Pool Leak Detection Services

*We are a fully insured professional contractor.

Danny's Pool & Spas is the leading pool leak detection and repair service in the greater Houston area. We have over 20 years of experience and have thousands of satisfied customers.

Call Now! (346) 667-0207

Houston Pool Leak Detection Service

Every project and every pool presents its own challenges. Pool leaks can come in a variety of ways. Everything from plaster cracks to equipment failure can cause the leak and we have an arsenal of tools available to find and repair your pool leak

There are multiple ways that we can find if your pool is leaking.

Leaks can be created by cracks in the concrete or plaster, deteriorating pool deck materials or equipment failure.Danny Pools & Spas has the equipment and know-how to quickly identify and isolate the leak, then repair it right, so it never happens again.

Pool Leak Symptoms:

1. Consistent low pool levels
2. Wet areas around the pool or in flower beds
3. High Water Bills

Some of our detection methods are:

1. Pressure test the equipment. Using nitrogen, we can safely and effectively find leaks in pipes and equipment.
2. "The Leakalyzer" this method is a floating buoy that can detect micro depth loss or change. Measuring in just 10,000th of inches and can determine if the pool is losing water. This system has replaced the old "Bucket Test" and can determine if your pool has a leak in as little as 10 minutes.
3.  The Dye Testing Method - With this method we inject small amounts of dye around affected areas to see if there is a current.

Call Now! (346) 667-0207


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